Feature | BoatBot | Others |
Detailed Player Data | ✅ | ⭕ |
Score Tracking | To be repaired | ⭕ |
Works with all osu modes | ✅ | ⭕ |
Works with private servers | ❌ | ⭕ |
Easy to use with difficult usernames | ✅ | ❌ |
Oldest osu! bot that's still working | ✅ | ❌ |
Source Available | ✅ | ⭕ |
BoatBot is no longer being actively developed and will cease operations in April 2022. See https://medium.com/@iaace.jcusa1/end-of-an-era-boatbot-development-update-47d7eb854024 for more details.
Item | Status | ETA |
BoatBot End of Active Development | In Effect | June 18, 2020 |
EOL Determination | In Effect | Yearly, beginning on May 25, 2021 |
Service Shutdown | Pending | April, 2022 |
Stop processing all support requests (data/privacy) | Pending | April, 2023 |
indicate required parameters and
indicate optional parameters[ign?]
: nothing needs to be specified if you want to pull up your own
: the username (whatever it is)$shortcut
: any $shortcut set for a user using !setshortcut
: mention any other discord user^
: the player whose information was most recently requested[range?]
: nothing needs to be specified if you want to use the default range1-15
: the range of values (in this case, #1 to #15)-15
: the range of values just before #15 (..., #13, #14, #15)
: the range of values starting at #1 (#1, #2, #3, ...)20
: show the top 20 values (#1 to #20)
!recent [ign?] !r [ign?] |
![]() |
Standard mode:
!recentstandard[play#] [ign?] !recentstandard[play#] [ign?] !rstandard[play#] [ign?] !rstd[play#] [ign?] !rs[play#] [ign?]Taiko: !recenttaiko[play#] [ign?] !rtaiko[play#] [ign?] !rt[play#] [ign?]Catch the Beat: !recentctb[play#] [ign?] !rctb[play#] [ign?] !rc[play#] [ign?]Mania: !recentmania[play#] [ign?] !rmania[play#] [ign?] !rm[play#] [ign?] |
![]() |
Standard mode:
!beststandard[top #] [ign?] !beststd[top #] [ign?] !best[top #] [ign?] !top[top #] [ign?]Taiko: !besttaiko[top #] [ign?] !toptaiko[top #] [ign?] !btaiko[top #] [ign?] !ttaiko[top #] [ign?] !bt[top #] [ign?] !tt[top #] [ign?]Catch the Beat: !bestctb[top #] [ign?] !topctb[top #] [ign?] !bctb[top #] [ign?] !tctb[top #] [ign?] !bc[top #] [ign?] !tc[top #] [ign?]Mania: !bestmania[top #] [ign?] !topmania[top #] [ign?] !bmania[top #] [ign?] !tmania[top #] [ign?] !bm[top #] [ign?] !tm[top #] [ign?] |
![]() |
Standard mode:
!alltop[range?] [ign?]Taiko: !alltoptaiko[range?] [ign?]Catch the Beat: !alltopctb[range?] [ign?]Mania: !alltopmania[range?] [ign?] |
![]() |
!scorecompare [ign?] [+mods] !scompare [ign?] [+mods] !compare [ign?] [+mods] !c [ign?] [+mods] |
![]() + for nomod. |
!whatif [ign?] +<new pp value> !whatiftaiko [ign?] +<new pp value> !whatifctb [ign?] +<new pp value> !whatifmania [ign?] +<new pp value> |
![]() |
!whatif [ign?] <new beatmap pp value> !whatiftaiko [ign?] <new beatmap pp value> !whatifctb [ign?] <new beatmap pp value> !whatifmania [ign?] <new beatmap pp value> |
![]() |
<osu multi lobby link> |
![]() |
indicate required parameters and
indicate optional parameters[ign?]
: nothing needs to be specified if you want to pull up your own
: the username (whatever it is)$shortcut
: any $shortcut set for a user using !setshortcut
: mention any other discord user^
: the player whose information was most recently requested
Standard mode:
!statsplus [ign?] !sp [ign?] !osu [ign?] !std [ign?]Taiko: !taiko [ign?] !sptaiko [ign?] !spt [ign?]Catch the Beat: !ctb [ign?] !spctb [ign?] !spc [ign?]Mania: !mania [ign?] !spmania [ign?] !spm [ign?] |
![]() |
Standard mode:
!statsplus-m [ign?] !sp-m [ign?] !osu-m [ign?] !std-m [ign?]Taiko: !taiko-m [ign?] !sptaiko-m [ign?] !spt-m [ign?]Catch the Beat: !ctb-m [ign?] !spctb-m [ign?] !spc-m [ign?]Mania: !mania-m [ign?] !spmania-m [ign?] !spm-m [ign?] |
![]() |
<osu user page link> !osusignature [ign?] !osusign [ign?] !osusig [ign?] |
![]() |
!stats <username> !stat <username> |
![]() |
indicate required parameters and
indicate optional parameters[ign?]
: nothing needs to be specified if you want to pull up your own
: the username (whatever it is)$shortcut
: any $shortcut set for a user using !setshortcut
: mention any other discord user^
: the player whose information was most recently requested
<osu beatmap link> [+mods] <osu beatmap download link> [+mods] |
![]() |
!beatmap <beatmap link or ID> [+mods] !map <beatmap link or ID> [+mods] |
![]() |
!beatmapinfo [+mods] !binfo [+mods] |
![]() |
!oppai [oppai args] |
![]() |
indicate required parameters and
indicate optional parameters[ign?]
: nothing needs to be specified if you want to pull up your own
: the username (whatever it is)$shortcut
: any $shortcut set for a user using !setshortcut
: mention any other discord user^
: the player whose information was most recently requested
!invite |
Gives a link to add BoatBot to another server. |
!help !docs !documentation |
Gives a link to this website, as well as providing information on how to ask for help from our staff. |
!roll [text] !roll [max number] |
Returns a random number between 1-100 or 1-max range. |
!roll 1000
!coin !coinflip !flipcoin |
Returns HEADS(49%), TAILS(49%), or SIDE (2%). |
!complain <text> |
Tell us why BoatBot isn't working out for you. |
!complain BoatBot is too slow
!suggest <text> |
Give us a suggestion. |
!suggest make this a new command
!praise <text> |
Give us a pat on the back. |
!praise BoatBot is great!
!ask <text> !question <text> |
Send us your questions. |
!ask when's the next update coming?
!ping [text] !latency [text] |
Checks BoatBot response time. If text follows
!ping , then the response will be a repeat of the text. |
!about !credits !acknowledgements !contributors !contributions |
Shows list of people who have contributed to the BoatBot project |
!owner !owners |
Shows the current list of CMs and their IDs. |
indicate required parameters and
indicate optional parameters
!link <ign> !osuset user <ign> |
If your osu ign is different from your discord username, you can set your osu ign using this command, and BoatBot will remember it. |
!link iaace |
!getlink !gl |
Tells you what osu username you currently have registered with BoatBot |
!gl |
!unlink !removelink |
BoatBot forgets your preferred username. |
!unlink |
!shortcuts !shortcut |
Displays a list of nicknames you've set for friends with hard to spell names. All shortcuts begin with an "$". |
!shortcuts |
!setshortcut $<nickname> <ign> !ss $<nickname> <ign> !createshortcut $<nickname> <ign> !addshortcut $<nickname> <ign> |
Add a nickname to your preferences. |
!ss $test -_ _-_ [] |
!removeshortcut $<nickname> !deleteshortcut $<nickname> !ds $<nickname> |
Remove a nickname from your preferences. |
!rs $jon |
!removeallshortcuts |
Remove all nicknames from your preferences. |
!removeallshortcuts |
indicate required parameters and
indicate optional parameters
boatsetprefix [new prefix] |
Changes the prefix for BoatBot. If none is specified, BoatBot will operate without using prefixes. |
! |
boatsetprefix ! |
!setting release-notifications <on/off> |
Show BoatBot release notes in your server. | on | !setting release-notifications off |
!setting comparisons <on/off> |
Enables or disables the !compare/!c command in a server. | on | !setting comparisons off |
!setting abi <on/off> |
Enables or disables automatic beatmap information (ABI). | on | !setting abi off |
!scm <full/reduced/compact> |
Sets the default display mode for scorecards. Full will show labeled information and beatmap information. Compact will only show score information without labels. Reduced will use "full" mode for 1 minute, and then switch to "compact" mode. | on | !scm full |
!setting global-feedback <on/off> |
Enables or disables !complain and other boatbot feedback commands. | on | !setting global-feedback off |
!setting multi-score-max <0-30> |
Sets the maximum allowable scores in a single command (!alltop). Set to 0 to disable !alltop. | 30 | !setting multi-score-max 0 |
!setting cmdgroup-score <on/off> |
Enables or disables score commands. | on | !setting cmdgroup-score off |
!setting cmdgroup-beatmap <on/off> |
Enables or disables beatmap commands. | on | !setting cmdgroup-beatmap off |
!setting cmdgroup-player <on/off> |
Enables or disables player statistic commands. | on | !setting cmdgroup-player off |
!setting cmdgroup-general <on/off> |
Enables or disables general commands. | on | !setting cmdgroup-general off |
!setting cmdgroup-username <on/off> |
Enables or disables username commands. | on | !setting cmdgroup-username off |
indicate required parameters and
indicate optional parameters
!as <target uid> <command to run> |
Impersonates using a command as another user in the same server. | Yes |
eval <javascript code> |
Evaluates javascript and sends the result as a reply. | Yes |
iapi eval <javascript code> |
Evaluates javascript on the internal API process and sends the result as a reply. | Yes |
notify <message> |
Sends a message in each server BoatBot is connected to. | Yes |
!releasenotify <message> |
Sends a message about a new BoatBot release to all servers. This type of mass notification can be disabled on a per-server basis. | Yes |
!link <ign> <@user> |
Sets a link for a different user. | Yes |
!unlink <@user> !removelink <@user> |
Removes a link for a different user. | Yes |
!getlink <@user> !gl <@user> |
Retrieves a link for a different user. | Yes |
!banuser <user id> <duration> <reason> |
Bans a user from using BoatBot. Set duration as
0 for a permaban. Accepted time modifiers are "H" hours and "D" days.
Yes |
!shadowbanuser <user id> <duration> <reason> |
Bans a user from using BoatBot. Set duration as
0 for a permaban. Accepted time modifiers are "H" hours and "D" days. This version does not notify the person banned.
Yes |
!banserver <server id> <reason> |
Bans a server from using BoatBot. Set duration as
0 for a permaban. Accepted time modifiers are "H" hours and "D" days.
If a server is issued a permaban, BoatBot
MAY leave the server on its own. |
Yes |
!shadowbanserver <server id> <reason> |
Bans a server from using BoatBot. Set duration as
0 for a permaban. Accepted time modifiers are "H" hours and "D" days.
If a server is issued a permaban, BoatBot
MAY leave the server on its own. This version does not notify the server banned. |
Yes |
!warnuser <user id> <reason> |
Warns a user to not abuse BoatBot. | Yes |
!warnserver <server id> <reason> |
Warns a server to not abuse BoatBot. | Yes |
!noteuser <user id> <reason> |
Quietly makes an internal note about a user. | Yes |
!noteserver <server id> <reason> |
Quietly makes an internal note about a server. | Yes |
!userhistory <user id> |
Views user disciplinary records and notes. | Yes |
!serverhistory <server id> |
Views server disciplinary records and notes. | Yes |
!unbanuser <user id> |
Unbans an actively banned user. | Yes |
!unbanserver <server id> |
Unbans an actively banned server. | Yes |
!actionreport <admin user id> |
Shows disciplinary actions issued by any BoatBot admin. | Yes |
!mail <user id> <text> |
Send a message to a user, with language flags. | Yes |
!approve <message id> |
Approve a message in the external feedback channel for public viewing. | Yes |
!deny <message id> |
Deny a message in the external feedback channel for public viewing. | Yes |
!migratelinks |
Migrate links from v1 to v2 database. Will overwrite. | Yes |
!cs |
Detailed status information about software and hardware systems. | Yes |
iping |
Shows ping times on the connection to the internal api server. | No |
!permissionstest [@user] !pt [@user] |
Shows whether or not someone has elevated permissions in the BoatBot context. | No |
wping |
Shows ping times on the websocket connection to the internal api server. | No |
TERMS OF SERVICE – Don’t be a bot on a user account and use BoatBot. – Don’t abuse bugs. If you find a bug, please report it to us. – Don’t spam useless feedback. – If you do not want to use BoatBot, let us know and we’ll opt you out of our services. – We reserve the right to ban users and servers from using BoatBot at our discretion. - We collect data on BoatBot usage to improve user experience and to prevent abuse. BoatBot is not affiliated with ppy Ltd. or osu.ppy.sh . For additional support, please visit https://discord.gg/57Z8Npg